This morning, I put off everything else that I had planned to do and, instead, watched President Carter’s funeral service broadcast live from the National Cathedral, Washington, DC. And what a moving experience it turned out to be! Brought me
A Tale of Two Clubs
A Tale of Two Clubs Lest you exclaim, “What the dickens!” let me hasten to add that “clubs” in the title refers to radio clubs, or more precisely, amateur radio clubs. I am fortunate to be near not one, but
Amateur Radio in the Land of the Thunder Dragon – No A52AA in 2024
Amateur Radio in the Land of the Thunder Dragon – No A52AA in 2024 The plan was for A52AA to be active from September 26 to October 09, 2024, and I arrived at the “base camp” in Shillong (India) a
Requiem for a Friend to Have Been
Requiem for a Friend to Have Been Almost exactly a year ago, I journeyed to the magical kingdom of Bhutan to operate amateur radio from that country. Being a die-hard radio nut, I spent almost the entire time indoors in
“Buy me a bell pepper. Please!”
“Buy me a bell pepper. Please!” She stood on the sidewalk at the back corner of the grocery store silently holding up a cardboard sign seeking food for her children. This was a strange location, I thought, away from the
Against All Odds: The Story of EK/AB1F – 2024
Against All Odds: The Story of EK/AB1F – 2024 Having operated last year as EK/AB1F from the exact same location I was to work this year, I took for granted that this second effort would be a cakewalk. Was I
The Complete List of Japanese Shis, Guns, and Kus [Free download!]
Amateur radio operators of Japan have provided me with much joy and pleasure from the very first year of my foray into this hobby nearly four decades ago. The contacts (QSOs) with Japan account for more than 60% of my
Coffee Karma
For my morning coffee, I reach up and pick blind A pod from the assorted box Atop the tall refrigerator. Invariably, or so it seemed, It wasn’t the hazelnut I craved, But one of the other five – French roast
Requiem for a Friend
Ann’s 85th birthday was exactly a month ago on Thursday, the 22nd of June. The family celebrations were going to be on the following Sunday, Ann had told me with girlish delight and anticipation. It was also the happiness of
The Story of EK/AB1F
When I realized one day while reviewing my amateur radio logs that I had only a single EK (Armenia) QSO in my AB1F and VU2ABE logs combined– and that too unconfirmed – a thought crossed my mind that I should