While out of the country in the month of August, I had just finished posting my ‘Picture of the Day’ (not a whole album!) on Facebook, when, with time to kill before dinner, I chanced to look at Facebook’s Marketplace,
There Are No Coincidences
My apartment is a goodish walk from the parking lot. So, I wasn’t too happy when I discovered after reaching home that I had forgotten my phone in the car. But I decided to make use of the opportunity to
বিদায় ৰঞ্জিত ককাইদেউ … [Goodbye, Ranjit, elder brother …]
Once upon a time, it was the telegram that brought urgent news, good or bad, to family and friends in distant places. Now, a variety of instant messaging services have replaced the telegram that was once transmitted by a Morse
70s’ Music – the Elixir of Life
One of the things that struck me soon after arriving in the US, was how Americans were constantly getting rid of things. No, this was not just the inevitable downsizing after retirement, but, more likely, making room for newer possessions.
Telefunken and Van Morrison
Telefunken and Van Morrison Growing up as a teenager in a small Indian town in the early 70s, the only medium for transmitted entertainment was the radio. TV had not yet reached my town in those days and cable television